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Fortune Rice Bran Health Oil (1 L): 910 g
Fortune Rice Bran Health Oil (1 L): 910 g
Fortune Rice Bran Health Oil (1 L): 910 g

Fortune Rice Bran Health Oil (1 L): 910 g

Fortune Rice Bran Health Oil (1 L): 910 g

  • ₹155.00

  • Ex Tax: ₹155.00
  • Product Code:
    Fortune Rice Bran Health Oil (1 L): 910 g
  • In Stock

Physically refined rice bran oil, Permitted Antioxidants-TBHSQ(E-319) and Citric Acid (E-330), Permitted Antifoaming agent-DMPS(E-900a), vitamins A & D.

Storage Instructions
Store in a clean dry and hygienic condition, away from direct sunlight

Shelf Life
Best Before Twelve Months

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